µEncapsulator Application Packs

The Smaller (15µm) Droplets Applications Pack includes 15µm fluorophillic chips for the µEncapsulator module which enables cell encapsulation in monodisperse 2 picolitre (15µm) droplets. A second stream, containing a reagent, reaction mix, gel, or beads, is mixed in immediately before the junction. This chip interfaces directly with the Sample Reservoir Chip (part no. 3200444) via the mounted gasket. This chip can be used in a two–step process with the µEncapsulator 2 Reagent 15µm hydrophilic droplet chip (3200528) to make generate double emulsions which enables in vitro evolution, by enabling libraries to be sorted using a conventional FACS machine. This pack also includes a specialised chemical solution Fluoridrop 7500, for diluting fluorocarbon carrier oil to the desired concentration.

The General 50µm Droplets Applications Pack includes 50µm chips for the µEncapsulator module, which enables 2–reagent droplets containing biological material to be generated with ease. An output droplet size in the range Ø30µm –Ø70µm can typically be selected with high monodispersity. This chip interfaces directly with the Sample Reservoir Chip (part no. 3200444) via the supplied FKM gasket. It can also be addressed independently for basic tests using the Multiflux® Linear Connector 4-way (part no. 3200024) and Top Interface 4–way 2.15 mm (part no. 3000237). The 2 reagent streams meet immediately before the junction, minimising mixing prior to the formation of droplets. The Dolomite flow focussing junction design enables thousands of reactions per second to be carried out in volume-controlled compartments, isolated by a flowing carrier stream. This pack also includes a specialised chemical solution Fluoridrop 7500, for diluting fluorocarbon carrier oil to the desired concentration.

The Double Emulsions Applications Pack includes 15µm fluorophilic and hydrophillic chips which are used in a two–step process to generate double emulsions which enables in vitro evolution, by enabling libraries to be sorted using a conventional FACS machine. This pack also includes a specialised chemical solution Fluoridrop 7500, for diluting fluorocarbon carrier oil to the desired concentration.

The Smaller (30µm) Droplets Applications Pack includes 30µm fluorophillic chips for the µEncapsulator module which enables cell encapsulation in monodisperse 15 picolitre (30 µm) droplets. A second stream, containing a reagent, reaction mix, gel, or beads, is mixed in immediately before the junction. This chip interfaces directly with the Sample Reservoir Chip (part no. 3200444) via the mounted gasket. This chip can be used in a two–stage process with the 30µm hydrophilic chip to generate double emulsions which enables in vitro evolution, by enabling libraries to be sorted using a conventional FACS machine. This pack also includes a specialised chemical solution Fluoridrop 7500, for diluting fluorocarbon carrier oil to the desired concentration.

Part number 3200575Part number 3200573Part number 3200574Part number 3200576
Channel Size
Emulsion Type
Unit Price
  • Overview



Applications Pack for µEncapsulator – Smaller (15µm) Single Emulsion Droplets

µEncapsulator 1 -2 Reagent Droplet Chip (50µm) Fluorophilic (Pack of 3)
1 x Fluoridrop 7500, 500ml


Applications Pack for µEncapsulator – Smaller (30µm) Single Emulsion Droplets

µEncapsulator 1 -2 Reagent Droplet Chip (50µm) Fluorophilic (Pack of 3)
1 x Fluoridrop 7500, 500ml


Applications Pack for µEncapsulator – General 50µm Single Emulsion Droplets

µEncapsulator 1 -2 Reagent Droplet Chip (50µm) Fluorophilic (Pack of 3)
1 x Fluoridrop 7500, 500ml


Applications Pack for µEncapsulator – Double Emulsions

µEncapsulator 1 – 2 Reagent Droplet Chip (15µm etch depth) Fluorophilic (Pack of 3)
µEncapsulator 1 – 2 Reagent Droplet Chip (15µm Etch Depth) Hydrophilic (Pack of 3)
1 x Fluoridrop 7500, 500ml